Step 2.3: Templating and Writing
Now is the time to start to move the existing components of your course syllabus into your Learning Design template.
- Think of the template as a schedule for how you offer your course.
- How will introduce key ideas and then allow time for the students to work the ideas and make their own meaning?
- What feedback do you need to know if the students are understanding the material?
- Think about Dale’s Cone of Experience.
- Consider how much content is enough. Using a content calculator provides a general “rule of thumb” of anticipated student time.
Once you are happy with the flow and your management of the variables, begin to write the content that will appear in your Canvas shell. You want to create a template for the Canvas instruction so students can see there is a pattern or consistent flow to the modules.
Consider using the structure of Presentation, Task, Resources, To Do List. Click here to download an annotated template of that structure. This template from the University of Saskatchewan may also be helpful. Finally, you can use our Quality Checklist to guide your design.
Using your Learning Design template as your roadmap, upload your modules and associated resources to your Canvas shell.