Quality Assurance Process Audit

UBC Reviews

In December 2021, UBC Okanagan underwent its first Quality Assurance Process Audit (QAPA) external review. The extensive review process saw our campus welcome the QAPA external review panel for a virtual site visit at which they conducted interviews with UBC Okanagan’s diverse campus community. Through the recommendations and affirmations noted by the panel, we look forward to implementing and updating policies and procedures that will support our continued dedication to creating a thriving teaching, learning and research community at UBC Okanagan.

Key areas of improvement:

    1. Develop a strategy to measure student learning and the achievement of program learning
    2. Develop a community outreach strategy to support program design and re-design.
    3. Engage with the community to explore “Students as Partners” in teaching and learning.
    4. Develop data sets for program reviews with emphasis on equity, diversity and inclusion.

Download UBC Okanagan’s 2021 QAPA Report


To explore improvements identified in the QAPA audit, the Office of the Provost initiated three working groups focused on key opportunities to support academic planning and evaluation at UBC Okanagan. The working groups provided a final report with their recommendations in 2023.

  • Working Group 1: Strategy to measure student learning and the achievement of program learning outcomes.
  • Working Group 2: Strategy for community outreach for new and re-designed programs, and external reviews.
  • Working Group 3: Framework to engage with students-as-partners.

Building on the recommendations of the working groups, the Office of the Provost engaged further with Faculties to determine the highest institutional priorities.

2024/25 Priorities
  1. The articulation of program learning outcomes for all programs, so to move towards measuring the students’ achievement of them.
  2. Development of guidelines and support to enhance engagement with communities and employers.
  3. Development of a strategy and support to meaningfully engage with Indigenous communities.

Read the reports: The QAPA working group final reports are available upon request by emailing the Office of the Provost.

About the Audit Process

This process was developed by the Degree Quality Assessment Board’s (DQAB) Quality Assurance Audit Committee and seeks to ensure that public post-secondary institutions periodically conduct rigorous, ongoing program and institutional quality assessments. All public institutions in British Columbia participate in a QAPA external review once every seven years.

QAPA Resources:

Associated reports


Laura Prada
Senior Manager, Academic Programs, Teaching and Learning

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