Deans’ Council & Faculties

Deans’ Council

The Deans’ Council is advisory to the Provost. The mandate of the Council is to provide a forum for discussing academic issues such as program development and enhancing the academic infrastructure. The Council provides advice to the Provost on issues relating to teaching and research at UBC’s Okanagan campus.


Heather Berringer
Associate Provost, Associate Provost, Academic Operations and Services
Jan Hare
Dean, Okanagan School of Education (Faculty of Education)
Gady Jacoby
Dean, Faculty of Management
Will Hughes
Director, School of Engineering
Robert Janke
Deputy University Library, Okanagan Campus, UBC Okanagan Library
Sarah McCorquodale
Regional Associate Dean, Interior, Southern Medical Program (Faculty of Medicine)
Lael Parrott
Dean pro tem, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science
Peter Simpson
Associate Provost, Academic Affairs and Strategy, and
Dean, College of Graduate Studies
Marie Tarrant
Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Development 
Silvia Tomášková
Dean, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Bryce Traister
Dean, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
Brad Wuetherick
Associate Provost, Academic Programs, Teaching and Learning

Faculties and Schools

UBC’s Okanagan campus has eight Faculties and Schools, each offering a range of academic programs.

Faculties and Schools

Campus Leadership and Administration

Learn more about the senior leadership at both the University of British Columbia’s campuses.

Campus leadership and administration