About the Guiding Principles
This web resource was adapted from the “Guiding Principles for Fall 2020 Course Adaptions” document released by the UBC Vancouver Campus under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It was developed through the collective efforts faculty, staff and students from across UBC Vancouver and provides guidance and suggestions for designing and teaching courses online. We respectfully acknowledge our UBC Vancouver colleagues’ work, and thank them for providing this resource in an open format.
We have adopted the core elements of their “Guiding Principles for Fall 2020 Course Adaptation” and adapted the language and, where appropriate, the resource links, to our Okanagan context.
This site was developed as a component of efforts coordinated through the Learning Services portfolio of the UBC Okanagan Office of the Provost & Vice President Academic to support the transition of courses and services to blended formats. Members of the Online Learning Implementation Working Group, the UBC Students’ Union Okanagan (UBCSUO) and Deans’ Council contributed to the shaping of the content.
This is a living resource that we anticipate will evolve over time in response to the needs of instructors as they prepare for our upcoming Winter Term. If you have suggestions for additional resources or note errors, please contact Heather Berringer, Associate Provost, Learning Services, at heather.berringer@ubc.ca.