Principle 2
Implications and Suggestions for Instructors
- If you do not have Course Learning Objectives articulated already, begin by articulating what you expect your students to understand, know, and do once they have completed your course. They typically take the following format “By the end of this course, you [a successful student] will be able to…” and offer a priority list for how students are to engage in learning, and what needs to be measured. Reach out for support from CTL or colleagues.
- Evaluate the degree to which each of your Learning Objectives is achievable for students to demonstrate in your course at this time (e.g., to reach broader goals of preparation for further study or career preparation). There may be some that could be adapted, altered, removed, or deferred until later in a degree program, in light of the current conditions.
- Use your Learning Objectives to guide your decisions about where to invest your time and your students’ time (e.g., with respect to content, assessments). Backwards Design can be a helpful course design model to achieve this. Reach out for help developing creative solutions.
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This work is adapted from “Guiding Principles for Fall 2020 Course Adaptations” and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.