The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) has opened the nomination process for the 2023 3M National Teaching Fellows, with an earlier deadline than in recent years (November 15th).
Recognizing that UBC Okanagan has many faculty members who are worthy of this prestigious recognition, faculty are strongly encouraged to support and encourage colleagues from their Faculty or School. The award recognizes and rewards a faculty member who, in addition to being known for extraordinary teaching, is also active in promoting exemplary teaching in others.
Individuals self-nominate for this award, usually coordinated through their home academic unit. The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic provides the institutional letter of support for inclusion in the nomination package. Applicants/Heads are invited to contact Brad Wuetherick, Associate Provost, Academic Programs, Teaching and Learning early in the nomination process for advice and feedback regarding nominations.
Completed nomination packages for Okanagan faculty members should be sent to the Office of the Provost and VP, Academic, Okanagan, by Friday, October 28th. Following sign-off by the Provost, the package will be returned to the Faculty/School to submit directly to the competition by the final deadline, November 15th, 2022.
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