Pathways to policy: The power of interdisciplinary collaboration
Eric M. Meslin, PhD, FCAHS
Among the reasons many academics work in the fields they do is to make a difference in society. Influencing public policy is a natural outlet for this laudable motivation, but moving from “laboratory to legislature” is easier said than done: it requires different types of evidence, strategies, techniques and temperaments that few individuals have themselves. Drawing on examples from domestic and international experiences, this lecture will discuss the value of interdisciplinary collaboration as a means to translate knowledge into the public sphere.
Dr. Meslin is the President and CEO of the Council of Canadian Academies. His expansive breadth of experience in bioethics includes over 30 years experience in university and government settings contributing over 150 articles and book chapters and consulting with state, provincial and federal governments in addition to NGOs Philanthropies and industry. Click here to learn more about Dr. Meslin.
Dr. Meslin’s visit to UBC Okanagan campus is funded by the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics and is sponsored by the PiNTS (Political Inquiry and Theory Studies) Speaker Series
When: October 9, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Where: RHS 260, UBC Okanagan
Who: Open to all
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